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Australia's Leading Supplier of Moulding and Casting Materials

Latex Mask - How to Make Your Own Face into a Latex Monster Mask? Section 6

Learn from the professional Arnold Goldman of The Monster Makers.

Latex Monster Mask Tutorial Section 6: Steps 27-32
Step 27:
Here is the finished mould with the clay removed. We have a little clean up left but nothing significant.
Step 28:
To make sure we capture all the detail we will apply the latex with a brush. You do not have to wait long to do this, and in fact the mould is still warm when I begin.
Step 29:
Make sure you gently scrub the latex into the mould to get all the nasty detail. You can than pour the remaining latex into the mould. Let it sit for about 10 minutes to build up a sufficient thickness.
Step 30:
After the time is up, drain the excess latex back into the container. We used about six ounces for this casting. Turn the mould over and leave it in front side down to drain the excess latex. Five minutes should do. You can then place the mould open side up in front of a fan overnight to dry.
Step 31:
Once the latex is dry you can carefully peel it from the mould. The latex will still contain some moisture so it is a good idea to powder it with cornstarch to keep it from sticking to itself and creating a crease.
Step 32:
Since I’m only doing a facemask I’ve attached an elastic band to hold the mask in place on one of our head forms. This will allow me to work hands-free while I paint.