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5 Things to Be Aware of when using Clear Resin
Clear resin is one of the most useful products on the market, and its capabilities are nearly endless. While using clear resin it’s important to remain knowledgeable about its properties. Here are five things to be aware of when using clear resin.
1. Clear casting polyester resin is one of the cheapest clear casting resins by far and its use is extremely versatile. You can alter the look of the clear casting polyester resin with dyes and colours as well as glitter, pearl essence, crushed glass, rock, marble dust and anything else you can think of. Many other additives which can be blended into the clear resin before it is poured for interesting effects, be creative and have fun with it, you never know what results you may produce. By using masking tape, you can even create multi-colour casts by adding different colours at the gel stage.
2. The cast is excellent, as it is one of the strongest on the market, but can be damaged easily with exposure to moisture. If moisture is present while the cast is setting, the urethane will turn white. This can be avoided by using an inline filter to process the moisture that’s in the air.
3. When using different moulds, avoid using plastic that is too thin to handle the clear resin. These thin plastics, while capable of intricate designs in moulds, will often dissolve or melt when clear casting polyester is poured into it.
4. Crystal clear polyester resin is extremely useful, as it has the capacity to set to an almost adamantine texture. With that said, these clear resins are a little more difficult to use as their compositions are not as stable as more popular brands of crystal resins. Additionally, they are not UV stable, and thus will yellow over time.
5. Monitoring the heat of your casting is extremely important as it will begin to degrade if the temperature rises too high. If this happens the cast will begin to bubble, turn brown, and crack, ruining your project.
For both amateur and advanced users, it’s important to purchase clear casting resins from suppliers that offer the best products. Dalchem is a specialist Melbourne supplier of clear resin materials that are used by hobbyists and household businesses alike. Our prices are competitive and reasonable, and we strive to provide you with the service and quality you require.
We pride ourselves in providing the best service to customers worldwide.